Ayurvedic Superfoods: Cumin

Make sure you give him 2 tsp of jeera water in the evening and in the morning is what my maternal grand aunt Shubha kaku told me when I started external feeding for Hari at 6 months. Amma told me that she had given this concoction to all her three children too.  Jeera water (cumin seeds boiled with water and strained) was an everyday affair for Hari until he was nearly two years old and maybe that explains why he loves cumin seeds to this day. I also remember taking it myself throughout my post partum period.

Later on I read in the bhojana kutuhalam, an ancient Ayurvedic text that cumin seeds cure colicky pain in infants and other abdominal disorders like distentions. No wonder giving cumin water to infants is an age old tradition in India, the birthplace of Ayurveda. Dr. Vasant Lad says for any digestive complaints, Just close your eyes and use cumin. These miracle seeds kindle the gastric fire, increase the absorption of minerals in the intestine, nourish the tissues and have been used to relieve mild stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea and gas for hundreds of years. 

Cumin seeds are aromatic and are tridoshic (balancing to all the doshas) and these medicinal seeds with a distinct taste,  are an intrinsic part of Indian and Ayurvedic cooking. It is used extensively in preparing masalas of all kinds and in seasoning for various dishes. 

I love to use cumin seeds in many dishes. I always have a jar of roasted and powdered cumin seeds on hand. This comes in handy in many preparations and its a joy for me to sprinkle this in my buttermilk that I usually have after lunch as it not only tickles my tastebuds but also gives me a feeling of great comfort.


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